Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Roanoke Gardens Part III

I love pansies.

Entrance to Gardens.

Wandering through these gardens reminded me so much of the big, old parks in Spain and Italy. This handsome tabby was just like the one's roaming at the Alhambra, and completed the afternoon.

Pretty gate thingy.

Garden in Roanoke, Part II

A statue of Virginia Dare, the first anglo born in Virginia. She disappeared with the first colony, at no more than 3 years old. It's hard to tell, but the statue has her draped in a fish net. Maybe the sculptor thought all those lost colonists went and lived with local tribes or something. Very Greek, very allegorical. Still, I like it a lot. This image makes a nice pair with the 'Medea' statue that I fell in love with in Spain.

A larger picture of the garden environment.

The garden was full of strange little surprises like this bricked up tree. Some sort of illness maybe?

More ambience.

I love these bizarre little fishies. Part of a bench.

The botanical garden on Roanoke Island

A close-up of the vine situation over here. I'm not kidding when I say 'prickly and viney seems to be the most successful evolutionary niche here'

A view of the Atlantic Ocean from a corner of the garden. This view, and hearing the waves lap on the shore did great things for my peace of mind and helped alleviate much of the moodiness that had been plaguing me the weeks before.

I thought it was hilarious that the statue of Venus was missing half her face.

A little piping Pan that popped out of nowhere to surprise me.

The full extent of the viney horrors that I face daily. They creep me out.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Just a few casual Tarboro pics

A house on Main St, near my old apartment. Tarboro is definately Old Money.

A shot of a huge magnolia tree on Main St. I thought the sun beams were cool, so I'm inflicting them on you guys.

Behold! My lush, puffy new bedspread. I am the Queen of Hearts. I call the color "single girl red" It's the same color I had my nails painted for my sister's wedding, about a week after my first really big break-up.

More luxuriousness. Oh IKEA, how I love thee.