Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Erin Goes to Atlanta! Part 2

This big guy is the star of the entire aquarium--a whale shark!! He's shy.

A diver who appears to be making threatening gestures with PVC pipe in this photo, but I'm sure he's doing something technical ;-) Someday this will be you Erika!

A full view of the whale shark, as seen through the largest viewing window in North America. Apparently the tank is the size of a football field. I think the whale shark's name is Ralph, but I can't remember. I was so freaking happy watching this window. It was inspiring! I was oo-ing and ah-ing like it was a fireworks show.

Ralph being shy again. Me being inept with the camera again.

So big!!

Monday, February 20, 2006

Erin goes to Atlanta!

Blogger has the annoying habit of posting photos any damn way it chooses, so Atlanta won't exactly be in chronological order. Or in a single post. Sorry about that. The main things that happened last weekend included A) IKEA B) International Farmers Market C) Party D) Aquarium Mostly I have photos of the aquarium. Surprise surprise.

A flock of rays, photo taken from below, in the tunnel thingie they had. I love rays. They're my favorite.

Leafy sea dragons!! I had a picture book about camoflauge when I was little, I've wanted to see these guys ever since. Leafy sea dragons are my favorite.

This photo takes the cake. It will be my wallpaper for a while. I got in trouble for taking the photo with a flash. Hopefully it didn't hurt the little guy. This picture is my favorite.

Slight detour. THIS is why I get so lost in North Carolina. Can ya see that? Can ya?! SIX numbers. Ludicrous.

This is where we had lunch. Woo! Delish burgers and a great beer list. That's the back of my housemate's head.