Thursday, July 31, 2008

Spain pics II

As always, my beloved Tio Pepe in the Puerta del Sol, Madrid.

The "watering hole" where we went swimming another weekend.

A million stray kitties at the Botanical Gardens!

Patio at the field house.

The Plaza de la Virgen in Valencia, at around 9pm when everyone comes out for the paseo. This is one of the things I love about Spain--everyone is out in the street and in the plazas every evening.

Fabulous Spanish fashion.

The view from La Bastida, an Iberian age hilltop site.

Action shot!

Valley view.

The undignified fate of some cardinal's statues...a view in a cathedral wall.

Spain pics I

The coast where we went swimming one weekend.

The field house. Nice digs, huh?

Sunflowers grown at the farm where our fieldhouse was. The first week we were there they had just sprouted. This photo was taken on the very last day.

A hay field on the farm where the site was located.

Livin' the life.

Agres, the nearest town, tumbling down the hillside.

The cove where we went swimming.

A HUGE magnolia tree in Valencia. This tree is probably hundreds of years old.

Valencia's blue tiled domes.

Cathedral shot. Near my hostel.