Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Trip to the Great White North

Dinner from night #1--we went to a northern Indian and Himilayan place because I wanted to try goat (not so thrilling, though the sauce was first rate). This lovely camera phone pic (sorry it's so dark) was our other dish that night. See all the green stuff that looks exactly like broccoli? CHICKEN! It was marinated in a sour cream and mint sauce. I totally mistook it for broccoli when it first arrived at the table, and marveled at it for the rest of the evening. No leftovers.

I didn't actually take many photos on this trip--too busy running about and eating wonderful things. Toronto is a thrilling city though--Berkeley meets Portland but much much bigger and full of sexy Canadians. Seeing Z again after ages and ages was of course, the best of the best part of the trip. I'm sure I talked his ears off hourly. I could never seem to shut myself up! Other highlights include seeing Henry Rollins again (not quite as funny as scallop hunting with William Shatner, but then, not much can top that), the ROM and seeing an Egyptian stelle that was the model for my first high school art project (NEVER thought I'd see that in person!), trying on completely gorgeous and outrageously expensive clothes and fur hats, and endless discussions about belts. The absolute highlight was dinner in the rotating restaurant at the top of the CN tower (kinda like the Canadian Empire State Building). Previously rotating restaurants had a place very close to rotating porn movie beds in my brain, but they are actually great fun, stunning views, and having $40 of champagne (a piece) go straight to your head at 1,500 feet is quite an experience. It was two hours before we even placed our order we were having so much fun. Z can be my sugar daddy any day.

First thing's first: the fabulous kitty. He has been a complete pain in the ass ever since this photo. There has been no cuteness in this house lately.

When good architecture goes wrong: the ROM trying to be edgy and contemporary. This monstrosity is called "the crystal." I think it looks like a space ship crash landed on a perfectly good brick building. Z swears it would have looked great if they had just used to originally planned building materials instead of trying to cut corners on the budget, but I think it would have looked wretched and ridiculous no matter what.

Be still my heart!

A slightly blurry pic of the glories within. There were so many cheeses and so many utterly new types that I got overwhelmed and didn't buy anything. But oh! The potential!

It's been recommended that I make this into a t-shirt. Mighty tempting. There could be a line of boxers for guys too.


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